Scorpio: Intense. Can be.... scary.
Dates: October 23 – November 21
Element: Water
Ruling planet: Pluto
Colors: Black (Scarlet, Red, Rust)
Scorpio Cats are…
"Famously discreet and even secretive, with an air of mystery." —MindBodyGreen
"Calculating… Scorpios lie in wait and strike when least expected." —Allure
"Authentic. Real. Passionate. Fiercely loyal." —Bustle
"A chasm of infinite complexity. Psychological trap doors." —Co-Star Astrology
"Scorpio Cat" is #8 in the Zodiac Cat collection
Scorpio Cat Art Postcards - Set of 6
40% off
4x6 postcard based on original acrylic painting. Suitable for framing or display, but also works in the usual way.
Copy on reverse of postcard:
©2023 Tracy Infield, Scorpio Cat. Acrylic on canvas. 5 x 7"
Astoria LTR Art + Copy • • Made in USA